わかったのは、ビリーは「ブートキャンプ」ではなく、彼がうみだした「Tae Bo」というテコンドーとボクシングを組み合わせたフィットネスのほうが、アメリカでは有名。しかもその「Tae Bo」が流行したのは、1980年代後でいまはちょっと古い。
Tae Bo Cardio 2004
Billy Blanks is the creator of Tae Bo®, the revolutionary total body fitness system that has helped millions of people around the world get in shape and feel great! He has also devoted a great deal of time toward helping people through his Foundation and by traveling around the world to train the U.S. Armed Forces. In addition, Billy's extraordinary achievements as a world karate champion, actor, author, motivator, philanthropist and humanitarian continue to earn him acclaim.
ビリーBlanksはTaeボーとregの創造者です、世界中の何百万人もの人々が体を鍛えて、すばらしく感じるのを助けた革命の全身フィットネスシステム! また、彼は、人々が彼の財団を終えるのを助けて、旅行することによって、米国軍隊を訓練するために世界中であることの状態で何時間も注ぎました。さらに、世界の空手チャンピオン、俳優、作者、動機付け要因、慈善家、および人道主義が、彼を稼ぎ続けて、ビリーの並はずれた業績は賞賛されます。
Billy's rise to success seems all the more astonishing when seen through the prism of his childhood. Born the fourth of 15 children to Isaac and Mabeline Blanks, he had few opportunities on the mean streets of Erie, Pennsylvania. Complicating his young life, Billy was afflicted with undiagnosed dyslexia and suffered a problem in his hip joints, which impaired his movement, resulting in a clumsiness that caused his coaches to think he would never amount to much.
彼の幼年期のプリズムが見られると、成功へのこん棒の上昇はひとしお驚異的に見えます。イサクとMabeline Blanksへの15人の子供の4番目に生まれて、彼はエリー湖(ペンシルバニア)の意地悪な通りにわずかな機会しか持っていませんでした。彼の若い寿命を複雑にして、ビリーは、彼の股関節で非診断失読症によって苦しめられて、問題に苦しみました、彼のコーチに彼が多くに決して達しないと考えさせた不器用をもたらして。(股関節は彼の動きを損ないました)。
However, Billy took his first martial arts class at age 11 and soon began to gain a mastery of the sport and himself. In 1975 he became the first Amateur Athletic Union Champion, a title he would earn five times. Billy ascended to become a seventh-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and gained black belts in five other forms of martial arts. He became a seven-time world karate champion, captained the U.S. karate team, won 36 gold medals in international competition and earned admission to the Karate Hall of Fame in 1982. Billy Blanks also became the 1984 Massachusetts Golden Gloves Champion and the Tri-State Golden Gloves Champion of Champions.
Billy moved to Boston as an adult and opened his own karate studio. It was there, while combining dance moves and Tae Kwon Do, that he unintentionally hit upon the concept for Tae Bo®. Billy moved to Los Angeles in 1989 and taught classes in his garage. Shortly after, he opened the Billy Blanks World Training Center in Sherman Oaks.
ビリーは、大人としてボストンに移って、彼自身の空手スタジオをオープンしました。彼がTaeボーとregのための概念を何気なく見つけたのが、ダンス移動を結合して、テコンドーである間、そこにそれがありました ビリーは、1989年にロサンゼルスに移って、彼の車庫でクラスに教えました。まもなく、後に、彼はシャーマンOaksでビリーBlanks World Trainingセンターを開きました。
Word of mouth brought the early clients, but when singer-dancer Paula Abdul came through the door and the dramatic benefits of Tae Bo® became quickly apparent, the business took off. Most recently, celebrities like Charlotte Ross of "NYPD Blue", Melissa Reeves of "Days of our Lives", actress Alicia Coppola, actor and country music star Scott Reeves, Stephanie La Grossa of "Survivor", Kendra Todd of "The Apprentice", actor Lou Diamond Phillips, Trista and Ryan Sutter from "The Bachelorette", and former Philadelphia Eagles star Randall Cunningham have also been reaping the benefits of Tae Bo® and BootCamp™. Lou Diamond Phillips says that he gets cut more quickly in Billy's classes: "I have not seen faster results than through Tae Bo® or Boot Camp™."
口コミは初期のクライアントを連れて来ましたが、歌手兼ダンサーのポーラであるときに、アブダルはTaeボーとregのドアと劇的な利益を通り抜けました なる、すばやく、明らかであることで、ビジネスは立ち去りました。女優のアリシア・コッポラと、俳優とカントリーミュージックスタースコット・リーブズ、ごく最近、有名人は「NYPD青」のシャーロット・ロス、「私たちのLivesの何日もの」のメリッサ・リーブズが好きです、また、「生存者」のステファニーLa Grossaと「見習い」(俳優ルウDiamondフィリップス)Tristaのケンドラ・トッドと「Bachelorette」、および前のフィラデルフィアEaglesスターランドルのカニンハムからのライアンサターはTaeボーとregの利益を獲得しています そして、BootCampと#8482 ルウDiamondフィリップスは、彼がビリーのクラスで、よりすぐに切られると言います: 「私はTaeボーとregより速い結果を見ていません」 または、「新人訓練所」
Countless other celebrities are also believers, including Pamela Anderson, Justine Bateman, Catherine Bell, Valerie Bertinelli, Neve Campbell, Rae Dawn Chong, Rebecca De Mornay, Farrah Fawcett, Viveca Fox, Goldie Hawn, Queen Latifah, Emmanuel Lewis, Ryan O'Neal, Lisa Rinna, Lela Rochon, Jack Scalia, Connie Selleca, Brooke Shields, Sinbad and Shannon Tweed. Athletes seeking to stay in top physical shape have also flocked to the studio, including Wayne Gretzky, Bruce Jenner, Magic Johnson and Shaquille O'Neal. Concurrent with his rise as a fitness expert and physical trainer to the stars, Billy has also built an impressive resume as an actor. He has appeared in 18 movies including Kiss the Girls, The Last Boy Scout, Bloodfist, Lionheart, Talons of the Eagle, Back in Action, Stand Alone, Balance of Power and The King of the Kickboxers. On television, Billy has been seen in such episodic shows as "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch," "The Parkers," "Suddenly Susan," "ER," "Melrose Place," "Martial Law," "Street Justice" and "Spenser: For Hire."
また、他の無数の有名人は信者です、パミラ・アンダーソン、ジュスティーヌBateman、キャサリン・ベル、ヴァレリー・バーティネリ、ネーヴ・キャンベル、レイドーン・チョン、レベッカDe Mornay、ファラ・フォーセット、ヴィヴェカフォックス、ゴールディ・ホーン、ラティファ女王、エマニュエル・ルイス、ライアン・オニール、リサRinna、レラ・ローコン、ジャック・スカリア、コニーSelleca、ブルック・シールズ、シンドバッド、およびシャノンTweedを含んでいて。また、最高物理的な形のままであろうとしている運動選手がスタジオに群がりました、ウェイン・グレツキー、ブルース・ジェンナー、マジック・ジョンソン、およびシャキール.オニールを含んでいて。星のフィットネスの専門家と物理的なトレーナーとして彼の上昇で同時発生であり、また、ビリーは俳優として印象的な履歴書を造りました。Kiss Girls、Last Boy Scout、Bloodfist、ライオンハート、EagleのTalons、ActionのBack、Stand Alone、PowerのBalance、およびKickboxersの王を含んでいて、彼は18の映画に現れました。そして、テレビで、ビリーが「えー」、「メルローズプレイス」、「戒厳令」という「サブリナ、十代の魔女」のようなエピソード風なショー、「レプ」、「突然のスーザン」「通り最高裁判所判事」で目にふれている、「スペンサー:」「賃貸。」
Whatever incredible project he may be working on, Billy has made helping others a top priority in his life. The most vibrant example is The Billy Blanks Foundation. Established in 1999 by Billy and his wife Gayle, the foundation is dedicated to equipping high-risk individuals with life skills that allow them to achieve their full potential. Billy has also done notable work with the military. He frequently travels with members of his family, including daughter Shellie, thus helping to integrate cross-gender, generational and racial messages into their appearances at training camps and hotspots worldwide. Billy's work with the military has included trips with his daughter to Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo, Sarajevo, Greece, Africa, Germany and Italy, to work with members of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Despite his achievements, Billy isn't resting on his laurels or anything else. Out of bed by 5:30 a.m., he still teaches at least two Tae Bo® classes and a few martial arts classes each day at his studio in Los Angeles. He is married to his teenage sweetheart Gayle, co-founder of the Billy Blanks Foundation, and is the proud father of two children, Shellie and Billy Jr.
彼の業績にもかかわらず、ビリーは彼の冠か他の何ではも休息していません。午前5時30分までにベッドから、彼は少なくとも2のTaeボーとregにまだ教えています クラスと毎日ロサンゼルスの彼のスタジオの武道の数クラス。彼は十代の恋人ゲイルと結婚しています、ビリーBlanks財団の共同設立者、2人の子供、Shellie、およびビリーJr.には得意の父がいます。
http://www.billyblanksfoundation.org/directors.htm の説明より
President and Co-Founder of the Billy Blanks Foundation
Blanks is the fourth of fifteen children. Growing up in Erie, Pennsylvania, he struggled through school, surrounded by people who believed success would forever elude him. He was born with a medical condition that allowed only a limited range of motion and kept him out of sports his academic progress was slowed by dyslexia, undiagnosed until he was 37. Driven solely by his keen natural intelligence and his determination to find a way to express it, Blanks looked for an area where he could excel.
ビリーは15人の子供の4日です。エリー湖(ペンシルバニア)で成長して、彼は成功がいつまでも彼を避けると信じていた人々によって囲まれた学校を苦心して切り抜けました。彼は限られた動作範囲だけを許容して、スポーツに彼を入れないようにした医療状態で生まれました 彼のアカデミックな進歩は彼が37歳になるまで非診断された失読症によって遅くされました。唯一彼の鋭い自然な知性とそれを言い表す方法であることがわかる彼の決断、彼が優れることができた領域が見られたBlanksによって運転されます。
At 12, he found it in karate. With martial arts legend Bruce Lee as his example, he found a local karate class and began to transform his body. Pushed by his spirit to communicate, Blanks used his intellect to find a way.The way was through his body. As he worked through and beyond his physical limits, his confidence grew and verbal communication became easier. He had combined spirit, mind and body to achieve the impossible: he had made words -- never before available to him -- his most effective tool. And he discovered his purpose - to share this hope with others.
彼は12時に空手でそれを見つけました。彼は、彼の例としての武道伝説的人物ブルース・リーと共に、地方の空手のクラスを見つけて、身体を変え始めました。交信するために彼の精神によって押されて、Blanksは、彼の身体を通してway.The道があったのがわかるのに彼の知性を使用しました。彼が限界を通して彼の物理的な限界を超えて働いていたとき、彼の信用は成長しました、そして、言葉のコミュニケーションは、より簡単になりました。彼は不可能を達成するために精神、心身を結合しました: 彼は彼には、以前決して利用可能でない単語を最も効果的なツールにしました。そして、彼は目的を発見しました--他のものとこの望みを共有するために。
Today Blanks is one of the most sought-after trainers and fitness consultants in the world. He has earned a seventh-degree black belt in tae kwon do and black belts in five other forms of martial arts. He is a seven-time world karate champion and has won 36 gold medals in international competition. In 1975 he became the first Amateur Athletic Union Karate Champion, a title he held for five consecutive years. In 1980, he was selected a captain of the U.S. Karate Team and in 1984 he won the Massachusetts Golden Gloves Championship in the light heavyweight class and the Tri-State Golden Gloves Champion of Champions. He has appeared in more than 20 action films and is a popular guest star in television series. His books and videos are among the best selling in the world.
Billy has a strong desire to help others, especially children, discover the principles that helped him become successful. He has given karate instruction to young people in Ohio, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Los Angeles. In each place he spoke to them of his belief that karate teaches discipline, focus and self-reliance, tools needed to excel and achieve dreams. He daily shares his story of faith and perseverance with thousands at the Billy Blanks World Training Center in Los Angeles and world wide at various appearances and events. He and Gayle, his wife of twenty-six years, have developed the Billy Blanks Foundation as a means of reaching out to those in the surrounding community and encouraging them to embrace their inner power, face obstacles and achieve their desired goals. In addition, Billy and Gayle are very involved in their church, and share their faith openly. Their daughter Shellie, who was herself a world karate champion at 14, works with her dad as an instructor and their son Billy Jr. is a talented actor, singer and dancer in Los Angeles.
ビリーには、他のもの、特に子供を助ける強い願望があって、彼が成功しているのを助けた原則を発見してください。彼は空手命令をオハイオ(マサチューセッツ)、ペンシルバニア、およびロサンゼルスの若年層に与えました。彼が空手が規律、焦点、および独立独歩を教えるという彼の信念について彼らに話した各場所では、ツールが、夢を優れていて、達成する必要がありました。彼、日刊誌は様々な外観と出来事でロサンゼルスと世界中のビリーBlanks World Trainingセンターの数千と彼の信頼と忍耐の話を共有します。彼とゲイル(彼の26歳の妻)は周辺の地域社会でそれらと連絡を取ろうと試みて、彼らの内側のパワーを迎え入れて、障害に直面して、自己の望んでいる目標を達成するのを奨励する手段としてビリーBlanks財団を発展させました。さらに、ビリーとゲイルは、オープンにそれらの教会に非常にかかわって、彼らの信頼を共有します。彼らの娘Shellie(自分で、14歳の世界の空手チャンピオンであった)は、インストラクターと彼らの息子ビリーJr.が才能ある役者(ロサンゼルスの歌手とダンサー)であるので、彼女のおとうさんと共に働いています。
Treasurer and Co-Founder of the Billy Blanks Foundation
Gayle's ascent to success was not instant, nor without trial. She triumphed over the challenges of poverty, motherhood at an early age, severe injuries caused by a plane crash, chronic pain, and countless "learning experiences" associated with building a business. In addition, Gayle has persevered through the intense demands of her husband's career. Nevertheless, in keeping with her always-bright outlook, she prefers to view her life as "without a dull moment." She uses each memory as a reference from which to help people.
Gayle's love of God compels her to be very concerned for the spiritual and physical well being of others. She has a heart for touching individuals' lives in hope that they will in turn help someone . Their passion and sentiment led she and Billy to establish The Billy Blanks Foundation in October 1999. Gayle serves as the Board of Directors treasurer.
神に関するゲイルの愛は、彼女が他のものの霊的で物理的な幸福のために非常に心配しているのを強制します。彼女は彼らが順番にビリーBlanks財団を設立する. 彼らの情熱と感情が彼女とビリーを導いただれかを助けるという望みにおける感動的な個人の1999年10月人生で思いやりがあります。ゲイルは理事会の会計係として役目を果たします。
Gayle is a native of Erie, Pennsylvania and currently resides in the Los Angeles Area with Billy, her husband of twenty-six years. They enjoy sharing time with their daughter Shellie Blanks- Cimarosti, 27, son Billy, Jr., 24 and son-in-law Mark.
ゲイルは、エリー湖(ペンシルバニア)の生まれの人であり、現在、ビリー(彼女の26歳の夫)と共にロサンゼルスAreaに住んでいます。彼らは、27歳の彼らの娘Shellie Blanks- Cimarosti、息子ビリー、24歳のJr.、および娘の夫マークと時間を共有するのを楽しみます。
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
ビリー・ブランクスビリー・ブランクス(Billy Blanks、1955年9月1日- )は、アメリカのエクササイズの指導者で格闘家、俳優。そして独自のトレーニング「タエ・ボー」の考案者である。日本においてビリーズブートキャンプで一躍、時の人となった。
1980年代後半、マサチューセッツ州クインシーで空手道場を開いていた頃にタエ・ボートレーニングを考案。格闘技とボクシングをミックスした「タエボー(Tae Bo)」という名前はテコンドーとボクシングを組合わせたもの。彼はこの新しいフィットネストレーニングを広めるためにロサンゼルスに自らのフィットネスセンターを開き、ポーラ・アブドゥルなどのクライアントを持つことに成功。このエクササイズの人気は急速に高まっていった。
日本では「ビリーズブートキャンプの人」だがアメリカではTae Boで一世風靡しており、当時芸人がパロディのネタにする程有名だったため、今でもアメリカ人の間では「Tae Boの人」などと呼ばれることが多い。
Billy Blanks
Billy BlanksBilly Blanks (b. September 1, 1955) is a fitness guru, martial artist, actor, and the inventor of Tae Bo.
ビリーBlanksBilly Blanks(1955年9月1日のb.)はTaeボーのフィットネス導師と、武道家と、俳優と、発明者です。
Blanks was born in Erie, Pennsylvania, the fourth of fifteen children. As a child he suffered from undiagnosed dyslexia. Blanks began his study of the martial arts at the age of fourteen. He quickly excelled, winning several local, state, and national championships. He emerged as a seven-time world Karate champion, and holds a seventh-degree black belt in tae kwon do.
In the 1980s Blanks was a member of the United States AAU karate team.
Blanks was "athlete of the year" in the USA Karate Hall of Fame.
Blanks began his acting career in the 1980s where he starred in several action-adventure feature films.
In the late 1980s, Blanks invented the Tae Bo workout, while running a karate studio in Quincy, Massachusetts. He used components of his martial arts and boxing training. The name is a portmanteau of tae kwon do and boxing. Blanks opened a fitness center in Los Angeles to teach his new workout. He later attracted some celebrity clients such as Paula Abdul and the popularity of the workout quickly grew, becoming a pop culture phenomenon after Blanks began releasing mass-marketed videos. The popularity of the workout later waned, but Blanks still attracts many celebrity clients and Tae Bo videos and DVDs have continued to sell well.
Blanks is Christian and released a special line of Tae Bo workouts called the "Believer's" series that includes motivational prayers and other Christian components. He has appeared on Christian television network TBN.
He is married to his high school sweetheart, Gayle Godfrey Blanks, since 1975. Their daughter, Shellie, born later that same year, is also an accomplished
Tae Bo
Tae Bo is an aerobic exercise routine developed by tae kwon do practitioner Billy Blanks, and was one of the first "cardio-boxing" programs to enjoy commercial success. Such programs use the motions of martial arts at a rapid pace designed to promote fitness.
The name Tae Bo is a portmanteau of tae kwon do and boxing. Blanks later developed a backronym for the name as well Total Awareness Excellence Body Obedience.
名前Taeボーはテコンドーとボクシングの旅行鞄です。ビリーは後でまた、名前のためにbackronymを開発しました 認識素晴らしさボディー服従を合計してください。
Blanks developed the routine in 1989 by combining music with elements from his tae kwon do and boxing training to form an intense workout regimen. During the 1990s, some celebrities (such as Paula Abdul[1]) started using Blanks as their personal trainer and a series of videos were mass-marketed to the public. As a result, Tae Bo became somewhat of a pop culture phenomenon in the late 1990s. Gyms began offering kickboxing-based fitness classes similar to Tae Bo. Tae Bo was mentioned in Train's hit single "Drops of Jupiter".
Tae Bo videos and DVDs continue to rank among the top sellers in the fitness genre and derivative classes are still offered at many gyms.
Tae Bo classes are taught worldwide. Tae Bo includes many of the same punches and kicks as karate, but is not intended for fighting—it was not meant for any combat or self-defense applications. There are no throws, grappling moves, or ground fighting techniques in Tae Bo. Its only intent is to increase health through movement.
Taeボーのクラスは世界中で教えられます。Taeボーは、空手として同じパンチとキックの多くを含んでいますが、戦いのために意図されません それはどんな戦闘か自衛アプリケーションのためにも意味されませんでした。移動、またはTaeボーのテクニックと戦う地面を格闘させて、一投が全くありません。唯一の意図は動きで健康を増加させることです。
Tae Bo also includes aerobic exercises intended to strengthen all muscles of the body with basic choreography.
The high-intensity workout is intended to increase cardiovascular fitness, strength, muscular endurance and flexibility. However, the increase in physical strength and muscular endurance will likely only be afforded to untrained persons.
Recently, Blanks has offered a line of Tae Bo videos known as the "Believer's" series that introduce Christian elements such as prayer into the workouts. His secular workouts remain the most popular.
Blanks is still currently active in fitness. In 2004 and 2005 he launched another successful program called Billy Blanks BOOTCAMP. These videos dove into combining original Tae Bo moves along with rigorous training he had learned while visiting the troops overseas. BOOTCAMP Elite followed the original Bootcamp with the addition and use of Bands. The bands which wrap on your feet and hands create more resistance for a better workout.
ビリーは現在、フィットネスでまだアクティブです。2004年と2005年に、彼はビリーBlanks BOOTCAMPと呼ばれる別のうまくいっているプログラムを実行しました。これらのビデオは彼が軍を海外を訪問している間に学んだ厳しい訓練に伴うオリジナルのTaeボー移動を結合するのに潜りました。BOOTCAMP EliteはBandsの添加と使用でオリジナルのBootcampに続きました。あなたの足と手の上のそれの包装が、より良い練習のための、より多くの抵抗を作成するバンド。
Blanks is currently producing a new line of videos for 2007.[citation needed] The title has yet to be announced.
Youtube Taeboの検索結果